Soul Planning: A Perspective

Lately, there have been many questions asked about Soul Planning.

My thoughts:

We are spiritual beings having human experiences, and prior to us being born into this lifetime, our Spirit self lived in the Spirit world.

While there, we intertwined with our soul family, friends, enlightened beings, and spirit guides.

Our spirit guides are devoted explicitly to us and our spiritual journey and enlightenment.

Our family is our family, and our friends are our friends, and we chose each to play different roles throughout our different lifetimes.

During this time of contemplation as a soul, along with group participation, we make decisions about our next human lifetime based on our previous incarnations and the lessons we still strive to learn.

As a soul in the spirit world, we can make well-defined agreements for the life we are to have when incarnated into a human body. Including who our parents will be and how we would arrive on the planet is just the beginning of our agreement.

As we begin our lives, there are decisions made for us by the Earthly humans that we choose to guide us, and here is where our earliest life lessons begin. In the process, we also agreed on the milestones we would reach and even the insignificant choices we would make.

All of this before we even arrived in a human body.

As our paths continue based on opportunities that arise, decisions to make, and lessons learned, we begin to incorporate our ally: Free Will.

While soul work continues unconsciously, we always have the choice of free will.

Free will allows us to change the game, take a left at the fork in the road instead of going straight, and change our minds and lives with the most mundane to the most significant decisions.

Choices and decisions are gifted to us so that our Soul can experience being human to learn, grow, progress, and seek Soul growth.

The ultimate purpose of living in a human body is to become enlightened while here on this Earth.

With all of this said, there is no predestination.

Soul Planning = laying the framework. Free Will = makes us Human.

It's just a different way of considering it all!

Much Love,





The Show Must Go On She Said.