Manifestation, It Really is a Big Deal.

In the entrepreneurial world, there’s a lot of talk of Manifestation.  Honestly, I didn’t realize how big of a deal the idea of manifestation was.  It’s all over the internet with how-to’s, courses, and blogs.

We are manifesting all things in our life, whether good or bad.

Here’s how you can purposefully manifest your wants and desires.

  1. Use your imagination—having manifested my acceptance into nursing school, a new home on an oak tree-lined street of my dreams, and my third baby girl.  Yep, that too!

Imagination feeds your soul.  Your creative mind is powerful.

  1. Yet it Begins with the FEELING—the feeling of your wishes already fulfilled.

When manifesting nursing school, I distinctly remember imagining myself as a registered nurse—the feeling of providing care to someone in need.  

The feeling of wearing a stethoscope around my neck.  The pride that my parents would feel for me, the mediocre high school student.  

  1. The Doing—I wanted to be a nurse so badly that I passed Charity School of Nursing so often and would sit in the circle driveway just to feel the feeling of being there. 

I wasn’t even close to applying for acceptance. I just wanted to be there and soak it all in.  

  1. The Believing—in nursing school, I struggled with passing tests. 

However, I received the clinical nursing award freshman year, the most significant honor for a first-year student, because I believed being a nurse was my purpose.  

  1. It’s never about anyone else—while others thought I was overstepping, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that my life’s work began with helping others heal. I refused to allow anyone or anything to distract me from my intentions.  

  1. Steadfast determination—brings about a spiritual awareness inside of you, ultimately allowing you to be the person you are destined to be.  

I have always felt that I have much more to say about my well-being and desires than anyone else; therefore, while I may not have always 100% believed in myself, I felt my way forward. 

  1. Know that self-doubt is expected—I consciously had so much self-doubt in my abilities as a mom, nurse, wife, and medium that can all be directed to outside influences; I also felt that deep down inside, I am meant for each of these roles.  

  1.  You are part of the bigger picture—the soul inside you, not this outer shell. Therefore, when the soul of the universe is connected, you receive the blessings. 

  1. Have fun and participate in the game—in the universal energy of manifestation.  Find a penny, pick it up, but don’t forget the most essential step. 

  1. Always thank the Universe—for any tiny blessing because, at this moment, when you find a penny, you are one cent richer than you were a moment ago. 

How do you manifest?

With Love



Heart Hurt